With the growing number of hits, posts, and comments, we thought it would be helpful to provide a short guide on how to locate specific information.

  • To retrieve posts on specific topics such as ‘councillor performance’ or ‘ge governance’ simply click on the ‘Category’ list which you’ll find on the right hand side of the page. Alternately, you may click on the link(s) provided under the title of each post.
  • If you’re seeking to do a general search on a name, a suburb, a policy, then just enter your terms in the search box, also located on the right hand side of the page
  • If you’d like to retrieve all comments made by a single individual, then this can be done by entering their name/alias in the search box.
  • Subscribing to Glen Eira Debates means that each time a new post goes up, you will receive an email informing you of the new addition.To subscribe simply tick the appropriate box that appears with the comment section and enter your email. Here is an example –
  • Our ‘blogroll’ is a work in progress and will feature other websites that share our interest in issues related to Glen Eira. Clicking on these links will take you to their websites.